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Life repeats the joys achieved and the pains of failure

In a long time [up and down]

However, if you notice, you can recognize that you are growing and evolving

Walking on an evolutionary journey like [spiral staircase]


I am grateful that I have been reincarnated as a human being

We have tens of thousands of reincarnation experiences

Japanese people, white people, and many colored people

Have any reincarnation experience

There are also reincarnation experiences such as rich and poor

There are also experiences of being exploiters and suffering from hunger and poverty and dying.

Experience as an educator or a criminal

Over 500,000 reincarnation experience

All human beings have all reincarnation experiences

As Muslim, As Christian, As Buddhist

As any other religious student of God

Or as a non-religious person


I tried this album I heard when I was a kid after a long time

I thought it was interesting to not understand the language

Because you can think of music in other languages with your own image

The first time I had a conversation with a foreigner was when I was a child

He talked side by side with Japanese words

It was a fresh shock

It's still fresh to make contact with foreigners with different languages

Because we try to join each other through our hearts

There i feel love

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