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とおっしゃったのです。私の親指は痛んでいます。体力的にもとても疲れています。実は2年ほど、病気で学校を休んでいたために、みんなに追いつくためにかなりハードに按摩しなければいけませんでした。3か月。それを思い出すと涙がじんわりと溢れてきます。 そして、ここまでがんばらせてくださった先生たちやクラスメートたちに感謝の思いでいっぱいになりました。

My first nuckle joint of thumbs are deformed

I took a lecture from acupuncturist who are blind. He has worked as an acupuncturist, anma therapist for 30 years. He visited our school and gave a classes for us.
We had a chance to touch and understand how did he give therapy. When he touched my thumbs, he pushed and rubbed them very very long time. ANd said
"Her first knuckle joint of thumbs are deformed to give anma(Japanese manual therapy). I am moved that She make efort very hard."
I have pains on my thumbs now and I am very tired too. I have to catch up with my classmates because I took off from school for two years. I had a serious disease and my physical strength is not back yet. It passed 3 months since I was back to school. As a matter of fact, I transfered school from TOkyo to Sapporo.
I got tears a little when he told me about that. I remembered super heard days. And I was thanking my teachers and colleagues to give me a chance to make efort to be a therapist.
I worked for two cosmetic companies but they didn't expect me to work for them. I didn't have a chance to do anything and I had to just sit on a chair for 8 hours. I wanted to do anything and I wanted to help people.
I will have my own clinic when I will be able to graduate school. My school days is very hard but I hope I will do my best.

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