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Why 150 Bq Cs-137 is health-hazardous, while 150 Bq* K-40 is RECOMMENDED for health

わたしには英語も内容も難しいけど、頑張って読んでみるか.. ≪Why 150 Bq Cs-137 is health-hazardous, while 150 Bq* K-40 is RECOMMENDED for health≫ https://allegedlyapparent.wordpress.com/2014/01/22/why-150-bq-cs-137-is-health-hazardous-while-150-bq-k-40-is-recommended-for-health/


Why 150 Bq Cs-137 is health-hazardous, while 150 Bq* K-40 is RECOMMENDED for health
Posted on January 22, 2014 by MVB
*Not pure, only when ingested as the trace present in normal Potassium.

150ベクレル* K-40は、健康のために推奨されている間150ベクレルセシウム137は、健康に危険である理由


Intro & the gist

I started out by writing the subject title, and wondered,… Hm… “Wouldn’t that be nice if I had a really well-researched answer to that?” Why IS similarly radioactive Cs-137 somehow considered more Health-hazardous than K-40’s. Is it? It is, right? It bétter be, I just had another bowl of soup with some excellent Potassium-rich Hokkaido kelps in it. (Delicious! +45 CPM goodness ;-) Such a relief…) What I found out about K40 versus Cs137 is this blogpost.
The differences between K-40 and artificial fallout radionuclides like Cs-137, Cs-134, Sr-90, Pu-239, etc are so huge the often-used reference to potassium-rich foods (like bananas) to make scientific-sounding comparisons about fallout dangers (by only looking at radiation dose), and as such making Cesium-137 sound like it’s not different than the radioactive potassium in your spinach, etc… falls apart so easily, it is hard to believe that nuclear experts and supposed investigative reporters still spew that nonsense.


私は、件名を書くことで始めた、と疑問に思い、...フム... "私はそれには本当によく研究の答えを持っていた場合、それは素晴らしいと思いませんか?」同様に放射性セシウム137が何らかの形でKよりも健康に危険と見なされる理由-40の。それですか?それは右、ありますか?それは、私はそれでいくつかの優れたカリウムが豊富な北海道ケルプとスープの別のボウルを持っていた、ことがより良いです。私はCs137対K40を知った何(おいしい!45 CPMの良;-)このような救済が...)このblogpostです。
セシウム137、セシウム134 SR-90、プルトニウム239などのようなK-40と人工放射性降下物の放射性核種の違いは(バナナなど)、カリウムが豊富な食品に頻繁に使用される参照が科学的なサウンドを作ることがとても巨大です(唯一の放射線量を見て)降下物の危険性について比較し、それはあなたのホウレンソウ中の放射性カリウムなどとは異なるではありませんようにセシウム137のサウンドを作るような...そう簡単に崩壊してしまう、それが核専門家を信じるのは難しいですとなって調査記者は、まだそのナンセンスを吐き出します。

(Unless, of course, they’re under “the nuclear spell” and are doing it intentionally to deceive… but I won’t speculate in that direction in this blogpost. Just the science here.)

The gist is simple: Potassium also has important biological/chemical qualities that make it both an important micronutrient, as well as a cancer-fighting agent; the slew of manmade fission products neither.

That Cesium is somehow benign because some small amount of it may be smaller than the dose from Potassium-40 in the same food is one of many LIES that has long left advocates in favor of nuclear energy (who continue to spout this nonsense) without credibility.

Well… You make up your own mind. I put some facts about Potassium (and its K-40) and Cesium (& Cs-137) side by side here, as usual with information sources included:





3 parts to this blogpost: Potassium-40 Césium-137 Conclusion




Potassium (K, as in ‘Kalium’) is a soft, silver-white metal. An important constituent of soil, it is widely distributed in nature and is present in all plant and animal tissues. Potassium-40 is a naturally occurring radioactive isotope of potassium. (An isotope is a different form of an element that has the same number of protons in the nucleus but a different number of neutrons.) Two stable (non-radioactive) isotopes of potassium exist, potassium-39 and potassium-41. Potassium-39 comprises most (about 93%) of naturally occurring potassium, and potassium-41 accounts for essentially all the rest. Radioactive postassium-40 (K-40) comprises a very small fraction (about 0.012%) of all naturally occurring potassium. K-40, the main source of radioactivity in our bodies, has a half-life of 1.42 billion years.


カリウム(「カリウム」のようにKが、)ソフト、銀白色の金属です。土壌の重要な構成要素は、それが自然界に広く分布し、すべての植物や動物の組織中に存在します。カリウム40は、カリウムの天然に存在する放射性同位体です。 (同位体は、核が、中性子の数が異なる中の陽子の同じ番号を持つ要素の異なる形である。)のカリウムの二つの安定(非放射性)同位体が存在し、カリウム39、カリウム-41。カリウム39は、実質的にすべての残りの大部分の天然に存在するカリウム(約93%)、およびカリウム41のアカウントを含みます。放射性postassium-40(K-40)は、全ての天然に存在するカリウムの非常に小さな部分(約0.012%)を含みます。 K-40、私たちの体の放射能の主な情報源は、14.2億年の半減期を有します。

On SFGate there’s this informative article, by Stephanie Chandler of ‘Demand Media’, “What Is an Acceptable Potassium Level?“. It goes into causes and symptoms of hypo-kalemia (due to potassium deficiency in blood) and hyper-kalemia (excessive potassium in blood), and mentions a recommended intake for a hypothetical ‘average adult’:

“To help keep your potassium at acceptable levels, the Institute of Medicine recommends adults consume 4,700 milligrams of potassium per day.”

The crazy implication of this is that you can search for HEALTHY K-rich foods with your Geiger Counter (as long as radioactive contamination from harmful fallout (cs-137, Sr-90, I-131, Pu-239, etc.) remains absent or at least very low. Given the radiation scare on the US West Coast right now (which I have already admitted I had fallen prey for to as well, albeit with nuance and willingness to change my mind when presented with trustworthy evidence to the contrary), this is almost humorous. ;-) Check it out:



この狂気の意味は、あなたが有害な放射性降下物(CS-137 SR-90、I-131、プルトニウム239など)遺跡から放射能汚染限り、(あなたのガイガーカウンターとの健全なKが豊富な食品を検索することができるということです存在しないか、または少なくとも非常に低い。今(私はすでに反対のことを信頼できる証拠を提示するとき、私はニュアンス、私の心を変更する意欲はあるものの、同様にするために獲物を落ちていたと認めている米国西海岸への放射線の恐怖を考えます。)、これはほとんどユーモラスです;-)それをチェックアウト:

Since it’s really hard to guess Potassium content of food from just looking at it, and labels and websites merely give averages and estimates (proven to miss the mark by a factor 10 or more sometimes), a sensitive Geiger Counter is your best friend:

As regular readers know, to my great surprise and utterly shredding previously held beliefs about long-distance impacts on food quality of Fukushima’s radioactive fallout, I recently discovered that most elevated radioactivity in food, even in scary-hot-appearing Japanese seaweeds, is from naturally occurring Potassium-40. Unless new more serious contamination messes with this trick, you can actually (still!) use your (Medcom Inspector Alert) Geiger Counter in most places to estimate the Potassium-40 activity concentration, and thus the Potassium content, of your food. How about that? (Amazing, not? Make sure to read my disclaimer: I insist you think for yourself too.)

This “Guess Assistance Table” graph is not a precise exact science (some data were not quantifiable within acceptable margins of errors), and many factors could easily mess with this, yet -based on just 9 analyzed samples- some rough estimates may be made:


定期的な読者は私の大きな驚きに、知っていて、全く福島の放射性降下物の食品の品質上の長距離影響について、以前に開催された信念を破砕したように、私は最近、食品の中で最も上昇した放射能は、さえ怖いホット登場する日本の海藻で、からのものであることを発見自然カリウム40を発生します。このトリックを使用して新しい、より深刻な汚染台無しない限り、実際には(まだ!)あなたの(Medcomインスペクターアラート)ガイガーカウンターは、あなたの食べ物のカリウム40放射能濃度、したがって、カリウムの含有量を推定するためのほとんどの場所で使用することができます。どうかな? (?アメージング、私の免責事項を必ずお読みくださいませ:私はあなたがあまりにも自分のためだと思う主張しています。)


This particular graph is meant to be taken with a grain of salt, but I hope you get the idea.
コピーライト Michaël Van Broekhoven, 2014 – Click image for Disclaimer.

コピーライトミカエルヴァンBroekhoven、2014 - 免責事項画像をクリックしてください。

The image above is from the end of my blogpost admitting having been wrong and sharing all Lab Results DATA of what I thought to be dangerously radiation-contaminated food items. It shows how lab-detected Potassium-40 levels (horizontal axis) correlate (vertical intersections; within a range (somewhat broad due to lack of sample data) that I colored grey) with ‘Added CPMs’ (vertical axis), measured with my Medcom Inspector Alert Geiger Counter. The Gross Beta levels indicated that the correlation here was clearly causal: high K-40 levels were the predominant cause of the measured elevated radioactivity. Actual Fukushima-originated contamination turned out to be near-zero!


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